Welcome to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We are a confessional Lutheran church, and a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Our Purpose is to preach Christ as the Savior of all mankind. We strive, by the grace of our Redeemer, to maintain the true doctrine and confessions which our Lord restored through Martin Luther. We believe that God has graciously preserved His truth in our midst.
Join us for Sunday Morning Bible Study at 8:30am as Pastor Killian leads a study of the Book of Concord, followed by Divine Service at 10am.
Wednesday Evening Zoom Bible Study will be on hiatus until the first week of May due to the Lenten Season.
The Lenten Season begins on Wednesday, March 5, with Ash Wednesday. You are invited to join us for Ash Wednesday, a sacred day of reflection, repentance, and renewal. Come and participate in this meaningful service, which includes: Imposition of Ashes, scripture readings, prayer and reflection. Join us at 7pm as we mark the beginning of the Lenten journey, a 40-day path of spiritual growth, self-examination, and preparation for Easter.
Each Wednesday during the Lenten Season, the Good Shepherd hosts a Lenten Supper at 6pm followed by Vespers Service at 7pm. Pastor Killian will be leading a Lenten Series through the Book of Lamentations.